Resilient Organizations

3 Day Training

Three days of “Hidden Profit” training for business owners and C-level executives.

Sergey & Domanitsky

Resilient Organizations


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Resilient Organization
Building Modular Organization
Building Modular Organization

“The Resilient Organization” training offers a deep dive into building a modular organization, contrasting traditional structures with modular ones that emphasize adaptability, manageability, and efficiency. With real-world examples from industries like automotive and aviation, participants will learn how to redesign their company structures to tackle modern productivity challenges head-on.

Delving Into The Operations
Delving Into The Operations

Delving into the operations behind modularity, this training highlights achieving core shareholder objectives such as scalability and resource management. Engaging tools, methods, and exercises guide participants in understanding the value of company know-how, the nuances of platforms versus ecosystems, and the potential pathways a modular organization can take.

Transitioning Is A Revolution
Transitioning Is A Revolution

Transitioning isn’t a mere shift; it’s a revolution. “The Resilient Organization” provides a comprehensive roadmap from monolithic structures to modular powerhouses. Participants will grasp top-level transformation logic, strategize on individual module transformation, and leave with a concrete operational plan for the future. Equip your business for tomorrow, today.

Come to understand the nature of your challenges, quantify waste, see the potential for improvement and understand your options.


Every participant will have to attend a prequalification interview before the training.

At this interview, you will define personal goals for the training, and we will only allow you to attend the class if we are sure we can achieve those goals.

What Will You Learn ?

Sergey Dmitriev

What will you have when we are finished?

What You Have After Completion


Part 1: What is a Modular Organization?

Intro 15 min: Purpose. Desired outcomes. Agenda. 20 min: Introductions and making connections

Alexander Domanitsky

Exercise: Creating a modular design for your company. Calculating inefficiencies

Part 2: How Do Modular Organizations Work?

Exercise: Calculate the effects of standardization. Calculate the effect of Navigators.

Part 3: What Target States Are Possible And Why?


Exercise: Identifying your know-how. Designing a product conveyor for your business. Design the potential target state of your business. Business model variations and choice of one target business model.

Part 4: Transition Roadmap


Exercise: Creating a transition plan. Achievability (reality) check.

Date, Duration & Price

17th, 18th & 19th April

10AM to 6PM (Daily)

Las Vegas

$ 4999

Free for CSTs, members of the TAC or members of SA board of directors.


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